{ Angel Adoptions, Inc. | Waltham MA Adoption Agency

Massachusetts Adoption >> Waltham Agencies>> Angel Adoptions, Inc.

Angel Adoptions, Inc., Waltham MA

  • Agency Name
  • Angel Adoptions, Inc.
  • Agency Location
  • 11 Dix Street
    Waltham, MA 02453
  • Contact Phone
  • (781) 899-9222
  • Contact Name
  • Laura Weingast
  • License Number
  • Services Offered
  • Infant Adoption; International Adoption; Special Needs Adoption; Birth Parents Services
  • Description
  • Whether you are a birth parent considering placing your child for adoption, or a family considering adopting a child, we know that this is a big decision for you and choosing the right agency to help you is an important first step in this process. The goal of Angel Adoptions is to ensure that all children have a permanent home, unconditional love, safety, security, and a family to call their own. Angel Adoptions can assist both birth parents and adoptive families with any type of adoption they are interested in pursuing. If you are pregnant and considering placing your child for adoption, we offer free counseling with no pressure or obligation to assist you in making this big decision. If you are interested in adopting a child, we can assist you with either a domestic or international adoption. Angel Adoptions prides itself on its in-depth knowledge of all aspects of the adoption process, it's high quality services, and most of all, its compassionate, friendly, and supportive staff who are available to answer all of your questions and support you through this process. We are here for you. Angel Adoptions is a licensed non-profit agency in the state of Massachusetts. Our fees are designed to be affordable and all applicants are welcome, regardless of race, religion, marital status, age, or sexual orientation. Angel Adoptions is only able to provide services for adoptive families in Massachusetts. However, if you live in another state we are happy to provide you with referrals to agencies in your area.
  • Adoption Process
  • Step 1 - The Consultation. If you need additional information about adoption before you are ready to begin, or are unsure which type of adoption is right for you, the first step is to call Angel Adoptions to schedule a consultation. This 1-2 hour meeting will give you information regarding the options available to you, assist you in clarifying your goals, hopes and, possible fears, and will inform you of the process necessary to complete your adoption. Step 2 - The Homestudy. Once you are ready to proceed, you can begin your homestudy. We know that many people are nervous about meeting the social worker and have heard frightening stories about how you are now going to be judged and evaluated. Please know that at Angel Adoptions we are here to support you - not criticize you. Our goal is to assist you in having a successful adoption. Your homestudy will consist of at least four meetings with a social worker, some in your home, and some in our office. During these meetings, we will continue your education about adoption and preparation for raising an adopted child. We will also gather information about your family and determine your readiness to adopt. This information will be written into a report called a homestudy. Step 3 - International paperwork. If you are adopting internationally, you will also be required to fill out additional paperwork for USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) and a dossier for the foreign country. Your social worker will assist you with this paperwork. Step 4 - Locate an appropriate child. How this is done depends upon the type of adoption you are completing. We will assist you during this process. Your social worker will give you more specific details. If you are adopting internationally, your social worker will help you choose which country is right for you and help you to choose an international placement agency with a program in that country. Your international placement agency will then find a child in the countr
  • District Office
  • District Office Phone

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