{ Adoption Link, Inc. | Yellow Springs OH Adoption Agency

Ohio Adoption >> Yellow Springs Agencies>> Adoption Link, Inc.

Adoption Link, Inc., Yellow Springs OH

  • Agency Name
  • Adoption Link, Inc.
  • Agency Location
  • 512 Dayton Street
    Yellow Springs, OH 45387
  • Contact Phone
  • (937) 767-2466
  • Contact Name
  • Naomi Ewald-Orme
  • License Number
  • Services Offered
  • Adoptive Parent Services: Pre-adoption support, Adoption education, Home studies, Birthparent matching, Pre-finalization and post-finalization services; Birthparent Services: The ability to make an adoption plan and/or birth plan that meets your needs; Free supportive services; Open or closed adoptions; Profiles of waiting families and help in interviewing them as you seek out the best possible adoptive family for your child; Paid medical and other expenses; Resources and referrals (housing, further education, employment, etc.); Immediate placement with the adoptive family - no foster care needed
  • Description
  • Adoption Link, Inc. is a licensed adoption agency in the State of Ohio dedicated to working with birthparents and adoptive families throughout the lifespan of the adoption. We serve all of Ohio, including Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, Toledo, and Cleveland, as well as smaller towns and rural locations in Ohio.
  • Adoption Process
  • 1. Apply to Adoption Link. 2. Meet with an Adoption Link social worker to complete your homestudy (typically, one visit in the family home and one visit at the Adoption Link office). As part of the Homestudy process Adoption Link connects adoptive applicants to online training as well as reading materials on various topics. 3. Continue to gather all your homestudy documents. 4. Complete your Adoptive Family Profile. This is the document we will share with birthparents when they are selecting a family. It may be a photo book, like the do-it-yourself kind widely available online. It may also be a four-page 8.5 x 11 booklet. The booklet is a less expensive option, but, because it is layed out by a professional graphic designer, it can generally accommodate every photo and all the text you'd like to include. Booklets are easier for our social workers to carry to birthparents and allow the birthparents to get to know you quickly, but thoroughly. Whether you opt for a book or a booklet, make color copies and hold onto your original. Provide Adoption Link with copies. Birthparents will keep the document of the family that they select. 5. Network on your own. Contact everyone you know that you want to adopt. Tell your pastor, your drycleaner, your best friend, all your friends - everyone! 6. Get matched with a birthparent. A birthparent has asked to meet with your family and the meeting goes well. You're matched! 7. Your baby is born! 8. Placement of the baby occurs after the birthparent(s) have signed the surrender agreement, usually at 72 hours after birth. Adoption Link holds custody until you go to court at six months to finalize your adoption. 9. Post-Placement Visits: While you are waiting to finalize, your family meets with an Adoption Link social worker monthly.
  • District Office
  • District Office Phone

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