Adoption Center>> New Hampshire >> Manchester Adoption Agencies

Manchester Adoption Agencies

We are in the process of building our adoption agency database to help with adoption. Please be patient as we're improving our system to serve you better.

Catholic Charities New Hampshire - Adoption & Maternity Services

Manchester, NH 03104 | (603) 669-3030

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming and confusing. Adoption is a choice that birthparents consider when, in their hearts, they know that they are unable to care for a child. By choosing adoption, birthparents find comfort in knowing that they gave life and that their child will be raised in a secure and loving home. The staff of Catholic Charities offer guidance and support with care and understanding.

Child and Family Services of NH - Manchester Office

Manchester, NH 03105 | (603) 518-4000

Child and Family Services offers a full range of adoption services. We have all come to learn through experience that the safest and most successful adoptions occur when both the legal and emotional needs of the birthparents and adoptive parents have been met.

Adoption Resources